Indian Railway is recruiting 26567 NUMBER OF  ASSISTANT LOCO PILOT & TECHNICIAN 


Date of commencement of online registration: 18/01/2014
Date of closure:17/02/2014
Last date of reprint application :22/02/2014
Online fee payment :18/01/2014 to 17/02/2014
Offline fee payment:18/01/2014 to 15/02/2014


Pre-requisites for Applying Online

Candidates should have valid email ID and a Mobile Number which should be kept active till the declaration of results. It will help him/her in getting call letter advice etc. by e-mail
Keep ready one passport size color photograph and stamp pad for affixing left thumb impression.
Scanner and printer for printing the pre-defined layout and scanning the images.

NOTE: Application is not complete unless the application is submitted, images are uploaded and fees are paid by fee paying candidates.


Click on ‘APPLY ONLINE’ and perform following operation

  • Select RRB for which the candidate wishes to submit the application.
  • Select (one by one) the one or more qualification the candidate possess from the list available on the left hand side of the table and click on  to get populated on the right hand side of the table.
  • Select the community which the candidate belongs (once selected it cannot be changed)
  • According to the status, the candidate can select whether he/she has completed act apprenticeship, is a person with disability (if yes type of disability), is an ex-servicemen (if yes type date of discharge and No. of yrs of service), is an Serving Railway Employee, Gender, Date of Birth (Age is displayed automatically), is an Economically backward, is belong to Minority community, select Preference of Railway.
  • After completing all this, click on  Immediately list of posts/categories for which he is eligible will be displayed.
  • As done for qualification, select one or many posts (one by one) the candidate wishes to submit application in the order of PRIORITY and the same gets populated on the right hand side of the table.
  • After completion of selection of posts, key in your personal details as per the columns therein (ensure the details are correctly keyed in) and then click on 

For more details CLICK HERE in order to apply CLICK HERE

To get u r receipt CLICK HERE